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 La résistance des Kurdes

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7 participants
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Nombre de messages : 1053
Date d'inscription : 05/04/2007

La résistance des Kurdes Empty
MessageSujet: La résistance des Kurdes   La résistance des Kurdes Icon_minitimeVen 26 Oct - 17:37

So you're not convinced that the PKK is behind the attacks?
I don't really know—it could be the PKK. But the PKK are infiltrated, also.

By whom?
By many—even by Turkish military and Turkish intelligence. The PKK have contacts and relations also with Iran. They were based in Syria for many years, as you know. The Turkish foreign minister is going to be visiting Baghdad soon, in the next couple of days. So our decision was to wait until he comes to hear from him, basically. Secondly, we are prepared to send a delegation to Ankara to discuss ways and means or what practical measures can be taken against the PKK presence or activity in the north. One sticking point is—and this is one of the paradoxes of the Turkish position—practically nothing can be done in the Kurdish region without the full support and engagement and commitment of the Kurdistan Regional Government [KRG]. Here, the Turks have been reluctant. It was our decision a year ago to set up a tripartite commission between Turkey, the United States and Iraq at the military and security level to address this legitimate Turkish security concern. We went out of our way also to reassure the Turks that we are serious and genuine by including the KRG in [a single] Iraqi delegation. The Turks refused that …

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Nombre de messages : 1053
Date d'inscription : 05/04/2007

La résistance des Kurdes Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La résistance des Kurdes   La résistance des Kurdes Icon_minitimeJeu 1 Nov - 6:05

Les combattantes femmes kurdes. Ces images ne sont pas fictifs, les jeunes femmes qui sont sur cette images ce sont des vraies combattantes.