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Nombre de messages : 2513
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2007

MessageSujet: MEDIAS   MEDIAS Icon_minitimeDim 15 Fév - 23:47

pour information :


AT THE PRESENT STAGE, the Yerevan Press Club monitoring group surveyed the priority of the topics in the leading media outlets of Armenia. With that end in view they counted the number of publications about one subject or another placed at the first page (for the newspapers of the A2 formate) and at the first three pages (for the newspapers of the A3 formate).

Restriction of the surveyed space to the first pages is conditioned by the experience of the previous stages. While defining the thematic predilections of the Armenian newspapers (for the whole volume) in May-December 1998, the monitoring group came to the conclusion that the inner pages of the newspapers were often filled with incidental and nonessential materials. So, their consideration in the process of finding out the thematic policy leads to the distortion of the entire picture. Besides, readers are not attentive enough to these pages. This fact conditions the decrease of their significance and monitoring interest towards them. As for the last pages, their contents - sports, entertainment, etc., - are to a little extent revealing to define the character of the periodical. Proceeding from this, the subject of the current survey was narrowed.

Certainly, the selecting approach is fraught with its errors. However, the implementation of various monitoring methods and further comparison of their results enables researches to have as objective picture as possible. Besides the number of publications on different issues, the group also fixed the vocabulary of the headlines, and this permits to find out priorities of the media when they cover the events and problems.

ACCORDING TO the results of the monitoring, the main topic of January - March in the Armenian dailies was the internal political situation. It is a natural phenomenon taking into consideration the troubles in the struggle for the power and spheres of influence in the first quarter of the year. Only the two officials - the "Hayastani Hanrapetutiun" and "Respublica Armenia" - did not stimulate an interest in this struggle and preferred to keep the "ostrich" attitude of the country leaders who have been stating till the last moment (i. e. till the next resignation): there is no serious problem among the leaders... The most frequent topics for the first pages of both "HH" and "RA" were publications about "the cooperation of Armenia with other countries in the economic sphere". The bias of the officials to see everything through rose-coloured spectacles and speak about the achievements when there is no trace of them was demonstrated here, too.

"Aravot" (91 publications of general nature on internal political topic at the first three pages), "Hayots Ashkhar" (70) and "Haikakan Zhamanak" (69) affirmed the image of the most politicized periodicals. Besides, "Aravot" and "Haikakan Zhamanak" have respectively 83 and 80 articles about the activities of the political parties ("Hayots Ashkhar" has only 17), but here we should take into consideration the fact the first two newspapers traditionally publish small articles at the first pages, and due to this the total quantity of publications is more.

The most frequently covered events in most surveyed newspapers were criminal investigations and famous trials. "Aravot": about the cases of Vano Siradeghian, the leader of the Armenian Pan-National Movement (accused of organizing murders and attempts), - 58 publications; about the act of terrorism in the Parliament on October 27, 1999 - 50; about the case of Ashot Bleyan, the leader of the "New Way" Party (accused of financial machinations), - 20. "Haikakan Zhamanak": about the "October 27" case - 50; about Bleyan - 38; about Siradeghian - 26. "Hayots Ashkhar": about Siradeghian - 44; about the "October 27" case - 41, about the case of Armen Ter-Sahakian and the others (accused of the political murders and attempts connected with the case of Siradeghian) - 11. "Noratert": about the "October 27" case - 37, about Siradeghian -18; about Ter-Sahakian - 12. "Azg": about the "October 27" case - 26; about Siradeghian - 23; about Bleyan and Ter-Sahakian - 5 each. "Zhamanak": about the "October 27" case - 24; about Siradeghian - 17; about Bleyan - 5. "Respublica Armenia": about the "October 27" case - 28; about Siradeghian - 15; about Ter-Sahakian - 8.

Synopsis: "Hayastani Hanrapetutiun" - daily (issued five times a week). Founded in 1990. Founder - Supreme Council of the Republic of Armenia, co-founder - editorial staff of "Hayastani Hanrapetutiun". Standard volume - 8/A2 pp. Claimed circulation - 5,000. The January 30, 2000 issue had a circulation of 5,500. Price - 100 drams. 59 issues published during the monitoring period, of which 1 - in 10/A2 pp.

Synopsis: "Respublica Armenia" - daily (issued five times a week). Founded in 1990. Founder - Supreme Council of the Republic of Armenia, co-founder - journalistic staff of "RA." Claimed circulation - 3,000. Price - 100 drams. 52 issues published during the monitoring period, of which 22 - in 8/A3 pp., 6 - in 12/A3 pp., 23 - in 4/A2 pp., and 1 - in 6/A2 pp.

As regards to these data, "Hayastani Hanrapetutiun" differs essentially from other monitored periodicals: "HH" published no material on the famous cases at the first page, except that of "October 27" (14 publications).
Even such burning issues of the day for the beginning of 2000 as the amendments to the RA Constitution about reduction of the President’s power or cardinal institutional transformations within the Cabinet yielded the leadership to the investigations and trials.

"Political and criminal" trend of the publications is stable as regards Mountainous Karabagh, too. A bit more than a week of covering the attempt on the MKR President Arkadiy Ghoukassian’s life on March 22 was enough for this issue to be leading in 3 of 8 monitored media outlets leaving the problem of the Karabagh settlement far behind. Though the latter has been focused by the Armenian press for more than last ten years and, naturally, during all the three months of this monitoring stage. Moreover, in two dailies ("Aravot" and "Noratert") the problems of the conflict appeared even at the third position after the inner political clashes in the MKR (the latter took first place in "Aravot" - 75).

Economic problems essentially yield to politics in the Armenian media. Only a few articles were dedicated to the problems of corruption, which is recognized now as almost the main barrier for the country’s development. Other social and economic problems were paid a little bit more attention to. Only "Zhamanak" more or less regularly covered the problems of the industry and agriculture.

Foreign political priorities of the Armenian dailies in the first quarter of the current year turned out to be unexpected to some extent. The most intent attention was paid to the Armenian-Russian relations, and it was understandable and natural bearing in mind the political traditions of our country ("Haikakan Zhamanak" has 23 publications - most of all, "Hayots Ashkhar" - least of all, 12). On the contrary, the rare coverage of the problem of Armenia’s membership in the Council of Europe can hardly be explained. "Respublica Armenia" wrote about the topic mentioned at the first page most frequently - 12 publications, while "Azg" - most seldom, 1, though the latter, in spite of this indicator, generally pays much attention to and displays prominently articles on foreign policy and international issues. "Azg" may be the only daily in Armenia that regularly covers the most important events in foreign countries and Armenian Diaspora at the first pages.

Of countries Russia is mentioned by the Armenian newspapers at the first pages most often, the Chechen issue being prevailing in the first quarter of the current year leaving the pre-election race and the Russian Federation Presidential election itself far behind by the cumulative number of publications. The ratio of articles about these topics is quite expressive in "Azg" (38 and 5), in "Hayots Ashkhar" (26 and 5), and "Hayastani Hanrapetutiun" (19 and 0). At the same time, in some newspapers ("Zhamanak", "Respublica Armenia", "Haikakan Zhamanak", "Aravot", "Noratert") the presidential campaign left the Chechen War a little behind.

The other country that arouses interest of the Armenian periodicals - by the cumulative indicator in all the monitored newspapers - is Turkey. The USA and the three neighbours of Armenia - Azerbaijan, Iran and Georgia, approximately equally follow it.

Synopsis: "Azg" - daily (issued five times a week). Founded in 1991. Founder - Council of Founders. Volume - 8/A3 pp. Claimed circulation - 4,000. Price - 100 drams. 59 issues published during the monitoring period.

Synopsis: "Aravot" - daily (issued five times a week.) Founded in 1994. Founder - editorial council of "Aravot". Standard volume - 8/A3 pp. Claimed circulation - 5,000. Price - 100 drams. 59 issues published during the monitoring period, of which 3 - in 16/A3 pp.

Synopsis: "Hayots Ashkhar" - daily (issued five times a week.) Founded in 1997. Founder - private owner. Claimed circulation - 3,500. Price - 100 drams. 59 issues published during the monitoring period, of which 44 - in 8/A3 pp., and 15 - in 16/A3 pp.

Synopsis: "Haikakan Zhamanak" - daily (issued five times a week.) Founded in 1997. Founders - "Democratic Motherland" Party and the "Intellectual Armenia" social-political organisation. Volume - 8/A3 pp. Claimed circulation - 2,500. Price - 100 drams. 58 issues published during the monitoring period.

THE words the newspapers use in their headlines to some extent characterize their attitude towards the issue covered. The words derived from "Armenia" and the abbreviation "RA" are most common at the first page headlines of "Hayastani Hanrapetutiun". Robert Kocharian, President of Armenia, was in different variations mentioned in the headlines more often than in any other newspaper - 55 times, Aram Sargsian, RA Prime Minister, - 22, Armen Khachatrian, Chairman of the RA National Assembly, - 13. (Here and further only those cases are registered which clearly identify the concrete person with his position, e. g. Robert Kocharian or RA President, Aram Sargsian or Prime Minister but not just "President" or "Prime Minister"). In "Respublica Armenia" the words derived from "Armenia" are also of the most frequent use, the second position is occupied by the words with the roots "Karabagh" or "Artsakh", the third - with the root "Parliament". The three leaders of the country have coded references in the headlines having the following frequencies: President - 14, Speaker - 5, Prime Minister - 3. We may state that "HH" and "RA" use the style that is traditional and characteristic for the official media. Correspondingly, the accents are such in the first page materials.

"Azg" longs for making the headlines very informative and adequate to the content of publications. Not by chance, the frequency of using one significant word or another are correlated here with the number of materials in which these words are the key ones and define the issue. For instance, the Armenian Apostolic Church and its head are mentioned in the headlines 21 times, and the number of publications about this subject is 16; the word "genocide" is used 24 times in the headlines but the number of publications is 48. As compared with other dailies here is a very high extent of correlation.

The differences between the headlines in "Azg" and "Haikakan Zhamanak" are especially significant. In the latter the words used more often express the attitude towards the publication than reflect the content. There are many auxiliary words that mean something abstract.

In the headlines of "Noratert" the most popular words are those derived from "Karabagh" and "Artsakh" (73 times), President of the MKR Arkadiy Ghoukassian is mentioned 17 times, the former Commander-in-Chief of the MKR Army Samvel Babayan - 5 times which testifies to the stressed interest of the newspaper to the Karabagh problems.

In the other monitored newspapers the concrete specificity of the use of words in the headlines can be exposed only as a result of more thorough analysis.

As for the three leaders of Armenia, the intensity of their references in the headlines of the non-officials is essentially different. Prime Minister left President behind in "Noratert" (21 and 12 times), Speaker being mentioned in the headlines only 6 times. President is the incontrovertible leader in "Azg" (29) leaving Prime Minister far behind (4). The picture is similar in "Haikakan Zhamanak": President - 23, Prime Minister - 2. "Hayots Ashkhar" mentions the first persons not so often: President - 9 times, Prime Minister - 3. "Aravot" (President - 7) and "Zhamanak" (President - 7) does it even more seldom.

The Yerevan Press Club is ready to share with additional information about the monitoring with the media that are interested in the more detailed results of the survey.

Synopsis: "Zhamanak" - daily (issued five times a week.) Founded in 1998. Founder and publisher - Council of Founders. Volume - 8/A3 pp. Claimed circulation - 1,500. Price - 100 drams. 59 issues published during the monitoring period.

Synopsis: "Noratert" - daily (issued five times a week). Founded in 1999. Founder - "Noratert" Co. Ltd. Claimed circulation - 2,550. Price -100 drams. 59 issues published during the monitoring period, of which 48 - in 16/A3 pp. and 11 - in 24/A3 pp.
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Nombre de messages : 2513
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2007

MessageSujet: Re: MEDIAS   MEDIAS Icon_minitimeDim 15 Fév - 23:51


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