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 Lake Van ecology

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Nombre de messages : 1458
Date d'inscription : 02/04/2007

Lake Van ecology Empty
MessageSujet: Lake Van ecology   Lake Van ecology Icon_minitimeJeu 15 Mai - 13:47

Under the threat of extinction Lake Van, where on the island "Akhtamar" Armenian church is 10 - the first century (Turkey)

Lake Van, the fifth largest in Europe, gradually dries. Despite measures adopted, the lake could disappear within the next 10-15 years, the Turkish environmentalists warn.

The Turkish Association for the Protection of the aquatic environment included in the draft Wan "Bezgranichnaya blue", for two years to dramatically change the situation on the shores of the lake. The organization's representatives will also hold lectures with students and schoolchildren, and organize activities to clean up the lake.

Meanwhile, the first on Lake Van in Turkey area. Here dwells pearl mullet - the kind of fish, which is not anywhere else on earth. Thousands of tourists every year come to the beaches of the lake as a resort. However, environmentalists estimated that over 40% of the coast of the lake is no longer suitable for resort purposes, and pearl mullet is on the verge of complete disappearance.

Note that in the middle of the lake, on the island "Akhtamar" is Armenian church Surb Hach (Holy Cross) 10 - century, renovated last year and the Turkish authorities of turning into a museum.


en deux mot il y a un grave danger ecologique pour le lake Van le 40% des plage sont polué, le poisson tres connu et unique dans le monde vana tarekh (d'ailleur sur la tete de poisson il y a un croix d'apres ma grande mere) et entain de disparaitre.
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